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My Champion Alanea Alder Read Online Free

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Patricia Lopes iamaddictedtobooks, I'm dislocated past your question!!!

At the beginning of Declan'south pov it'southward explained that Rachelle found her mate amongst the wolf pack…more than

iamaddictedtobooks, I'm dislocated by your question!!!

At the showtime of Declan'due south pov information technology's explained that Rachelle institute her mate amongst the wolf pack, to Peter, and that she had an arranged 500yo mating with Gerald DuBois and is the female parent of Andre DuBois.

Andre is the vampire that grabbed Meryn'due south arm in volume 6 leaving a mark, the twins gave him diarrhea, later when she, Eva and Ryuu become outside to the lord's day, the warrior Warrick DuBois, huge vampire, and cousin to Andre comments that unfortunately Andre takes after is father, instead of his lovely aunt.

In this book Warrick "mates" with Avery and is disowned by the DuBois "@ssh*les".

Rachelle was "forced" into a mating with Gerald DuBois, gave birth to Andre Dubois and 500 years afterwards finds that her true destined mate is a wolf shifter named Peter.

Magnus mate is yet to show... (less)

Community Reviews

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Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession
3.v not as proficient as some of the others Stars

My Champion was a decent read. I liked the on going plot but, I didn't actually become into this volume similar I take past books. I'thou not actually sure what was off for me but I simply didn't connect besides to this couple. I liked them okay simply they only didn't stand out like the other couples did. Here is hoping the next i really does it for me.

3.5 not as good as some of the others Stars

My Champion was a decent read. I liked the on going plot but, I didn't really get into this volume like I have by books. I'm not really sure what was off for me but I but didn't connect too to this couple. I liked them okay merely they but didn't stand up out like the other couples did. Here is hoping the side by side one really does it for me.

...more than
Dec 29, 2016 rated it it was ok
I hate to say information technology merely this is the start time that I didn't like a book past this author. I'm and then disappointed by this weak plot, it's not even funny. Where did the smart twists go, where did the no OW drama go, where did the activity go and then many more than things... :'(
By the terminate, I just wanted to stop the story and be done with it. Fifty-fifty Meryn, who I actually actually like, got on my nerves, since she wasn't as smart as usual and at times she came beyond even more than immature and bitchy. Everyone said how
I hate to say it but this is the commencement time that I didn't like a book by this author. I'thousand so disappointed by this weak plot, information technology'due south not even funny. Where did the smart twists get, where did the no OW drama get, where did the action go and so many more things... :'(
By the end, I just wanted to stop the story and be washed with it. Even Meryn, who I actually really like, got on my nerves, since she wasn't as smart as usual and at times she came across even more young and bitchy. Anybody said how she'south a genius but I actually didn't see her actions equally something special.

At the beginning I liked the style the story unfolded. I always beloved to encounter the characters from previous books, and so that is always a plus. But subsequently the main characters of this story found each other, the plot went downhill. The unnecessary details from Declans sexual past (and right before they mated, might I add) made this story impossible for me to enjoy. I beloved Alder's books because she doesn't do drama but in this story I felt like I was reading a book by a whole dissimilar writer. Kari was a great character and made the whole story a scrap better, but even so...

That's just how I felt about this book, and then that doesn't mean you lot won't enjoy it. Try information technology and see for yourself, y'all might finish up liking it more me. :)

Monty Cupcake ☠ Queen of Bloodshed ☠
2.five stars. This felt similar a filler book, something to read in betwixt books about the chief characters. It didn't feel like a full length novel, more novella in terms of the character depth and development.

The author has moved the series from Lycaonia to Noctem Falls and I find that's downgraded it for me. I know, mixing it upward and all, but information technology lost a lot of what I loved nigh the previous books and it hasn't been replicated in this new setting. The other effect is setting the books around Meryn so

2.5 stars. This felt similar a filler volume, something to read in between books about the master characters. It didn't feel similar a total length novel, more novella in terms of the character depth and development.

The author has moved the series from Lycaonia to Noctem Falls and I find that's downgraded information technology for me. I know, mixing it upwards and all, but it lost a lot of what I loved about the previous books and it hasn't been replicated in this new setting. The other outcome is setting the books around Meryn so heavily and sidelining the primary couple. That was my problem with the previous book equally well. Even Aiden, Meryn's mate, has decreased in his grapheme to a kind of standby husband. I'm happy to encounter previous characters again, simply not to the detriment of the main couple's story. Having so much Meryn focus reduced the couple'due south progression and made it feel like everything they did was a reaction to Meryn vs their own actions.

My hope for the next book is that it either leaves the Noctem Falls setting or we finally go Keelan'due south volume. His really should've been next. Each of the books after Kendrick (#5) has been most other unit warriors we haven't previously met & I don't discover them interesting. Then time for Keelan's book.

...more than
November 12, 2018 rated it did not like it
I tin't believe I'k dropping this series...and I can't believe this author resorted to the OW drama for characters we have fallen in honey with. I tin't believe I'grand dropping this series...and I can't believe this author resorted to the OW drama for characters we accept fallen in love with. ...more
Jun 01, 2017 rated it information technology was ok
~~~ 2.5 "not impressed" stars~~~


I love B&B serial, they normally made me express mirth to tears, but unfortunately not this book.

I was looking forrad to read it when it came out and right when I start reading information technology, I saw ane of the GR buddy'south update mail service. I put it aside for five months and thought maybe time will assist. Nope.

The H is i of those pussies I hate, the non alpha, crying blazon. He wasn't possessive of his mate and when she got hurt he held her mitt looking pale, not enraged. Declan is a lion

~~~ 2.5 "not impressed" stars~~~


I love B&B series, they commonly made me express mirth to tears, but unfortunately non this volume.

I was looking forrad to read information technology when it came out and right when I start reading it, I saw one of the GR buddy'south update post. I put information technology aside for five months and thought maybe time volition help. Nope.

The H is one of those pussies I detest, the not blastoff, crying type. He wasn't possessive of his mate and when she got hurt he held her hand looking pale, not enraged. Declan is a lion shifter, who I imagined like

Because he cried everytime she told him she loves him.

I thought he was disrespectful to the h. H and h had interviews with other paranormal women and half of them were H's ex-sexual practice buddies. h didn't know that and when ane of these women started yapping about their sex and suggesting another circular, what does the H practice? Nothing. He winces. Winces like a piddling pussy that he is and says you lot know I don't involve with the mated ones. This OW tries to kiss him and she probably would if the h hadn't stepped in.


Soon after this they went to his house to mate and this is the major turn off from his bedchamber conversation:

..."I wanted something special for my mate."
"And yet y'all brought other women here?"
He shrugged. "I never had sexual activity with them in the bed," he stopped and looked up at the ceiling as if counting. "No non in the bed. Confronting the bed, one under the bed, 1 on the nightstand, in the cupboard, on the bathroom flooring, in front end of the fireplace..."


To sum information technology upward: nil chemical science between MCs, no funny dialogues, not an alpha hero, too many characters with the like names, not enough development... I enjoyed some of the parts and the h was really likable. There were 2 scenes in the book where H acted like he should, merely it was too late for moi.

The B&B serial is still ane of my paranormal fave ones and I look forward to read the side by side installment.

Jan 01, 2017 rated information technology it was ok
This book is so problematic that I volition non be continuing the series, So first, we take the Keeland situation that has not progress at all in the terminal 2 books. Avery (Kari's "adopted" niggling blood brother) reads more like a 6 year old child even though he is less than a year from beingness able to claim his mate. Avery and his mate seems like a check on the author's checklist of today'southward social problems that she wants to accost -- and address it she does over and over and once more. This falls flat for me. This book is and so problematic that I volition not be continuing the series, So first, we have the Keeland situation that has not progress at all in the final 2 books. Avery (Kari's "adopted" piddling brother) reads more than like a half dozen year old child even though he is less than a twelvemonth from beingness able to merits his mate. Avery and his mate seems like a bank check on the author's checklist of today's social bug that she wants to address -- and accost information technology she does over and over and once again. This falls flat for me... While Kari was corking at organizing and creating a system for businesses and organizations and she loved her condo, I truly knew nil more than about her. Too, I have been over Meryn for the concluding couple of books. She is the only person that has been totally fleshed out which I believe is why AA always allow Meryn to play a meaning function in each volume. Information technology is and so bad at present that Aiden, who I loved in book #1 is at present a shell of himself that is just a yeah homo. Kari's "adopted" older blood brother Police has absolutely no role in this book even though he is the closest thing to a family for her excluding Avery. This volume was such a disappointment and I experience cheated with the antics to stretch out the series. I no longer care if I do not notice out who is killing the paranormals. I don't care most who these invisible things are and who is controlling them and making them. I no longer care if Keeland volition render. I no longer care about who is trying to gain power over the paranormals. None of these things have been answered in the final 3, yes I said three BOOKS. There have been no new disharmonize nor answers and /or progression in the sometime conflicts. ...more
Mar 18, 2017 rated it really liked it
Not a lot of depth in the serial. just an easy light read. Capeesh the world building, you can run across the writer'due south feel strengthen with each book. When I first started with this series, I wasn't sure but now I am in. I am excited to see further expansion of Noctem & for the other 2 pillar cities. I hope each city gets several books as there is tons of potential. I am more excited about Storm Keep & Eire Danu than any other, she could write 10 books about each of those magical cities & it wo Not a lot of depth in the series. but an piece of cake lite read. Appreciate the world building, yous can see the author's experience strengthen with each volume. When I first started with this series, I wasn't sure but now I am in. I am excited to see farther expansion of Noctem & for the other ii pillar cities. I hope each metropolis gets several books every bit there is tons of potential. I am more than excited well-nigh Tempest Keep & Eire Danu than any other, she could write ten books about each of those magical cities & it wouldn't be enough. ...more than
Dec 28, 2016 rated it really liked it
Kari Delaney didn't want to follow her adopted brothers orders of leaving with her niggling brother Avery and caput to the protection of Noctem Falls, but he felt the threat was real and they needed protection from the ferals. Kari doesn't expect to meet her mate or that he is been injured enough he is on the brink of dying.

Declan Lionhart is thrilled to detect his mate, he has to await to merits her until he is feeling amend but whle they look for their large consequence he bides his fourth dimension spending time gett

Kari Delaney didn't want to follow her adopted brothers orders of leaving with her little brother Avery and head to the protection of Noctem Falls, but he felt the threat was existent and they needed protection from the ferals. Kari doesn't look to run into her mate or that he is been injured enough he is on the brink of dying.

Declan Lionhart is thrilled to observe his mate, he has to look to claim her until he is feeling better merely whle they expect for their big event he bides his time spending fourth dimension getting to know Kari. Kari is a natural organizer and has earned a position with Prince Magnus, she is also finding that Noctem Falls is not as she remembers, aye there is nevertheless prejudice only Magnus is doing his best to eliminate information technology. The threats are revealing themselves in Noctem Falls and with Kari's astute observation and the help of Meryn's troops all should exist safe as long as they tin can figure it out who is behind the hidden threats.

Another delightful story by Alanea Alder. I liked the characters in this one, Kari enjoys the amusement of watching others. Had a few express mirth out loud moments that had me cracking up. Everyone is corking, anxious to encounter what is next for the Bewitched and Bewildered crew.

Dec 28, 2016 rated information technology actually liked information technology
Paranormals are being murdered in increasing numbers.

With no other choice open up, lonely paranormals are being told to seek temporary residence in colonnade cities for their own safety. Kari Delaney (vampire) & her brother Avery (shifter) are to be relocated to Noctem Falls, a stronghold overseen by Prince Magnus, who has a reputation of difficult line enforcement of constabulary and intolerance for interspecies bigotry.

Declan Lionhart comes from a prestigious political blood line though he chooses the lifestyle o

Paranormals are existence murdered in increasing numbers.

With no other option open, lonely paranormals are being told to seek temporary residence in colonnade cities for their own condom. Kari Delaney (vampire) & her brother Avery (shifter) are to be relocated to Noctem Falls, a stronghold overseen by Prince Magnus, who has a reputation of hard line enforcement of law and intolerance for interspecies bigotry.

Declan Lionhart comes from a prestigious political blood line though he chooses the lifestyle of a elementary unit of measurement warrior. Respected for his affairs and skill, information technology'due south ironic that he should meet his mate when bloodied, torn up, and internal organs exposed. No thing, his mate HAS entered his life. Details are not important.

Kari & Declan are about to experience their own HEA. With Meryn's assistance, it's sure to exist a very interesting journeying indeed ....

All while paranormals go along to exist targeted by an unknown. The killer thought to exist i of Noctem Falls ain.

* * * *

Every bit a big time fan of this writer and series (sorry Ms Alder for going all fan girl on y'all at the Lori Foster convention but in my defence force information technology was a dream come true to meet you), I was totally excited to get my grubby little hands on this new installment.

Of note for anyone wondering if they could read this book if they haven't already read any previous in the series. Nope, this is a series that builds off previous installments and so absolutely goose egg ability to read it as a stand solitary. In fact, for those who have already read the serial and are now looking to read this one - do a quick over of previous installments to re-familiarize yourself with by characters and roles they play. Side note to author: please consider including a glossary and/or map of the different characters and relationship dynamics for time to come installments.

This is an writer who has a totally different writing style than what I'm used to. I liken her writing to the Broadway musical Hamilton. Boring U.s.a. history, infused with rap and hip hop music scores and an awesome screenplay, made information technology relevant and interesting. It'southward become one of the biggest hits of modern Broadway for a reason. In the example of Ms. Alder, she's included geekdom, gaming, Dr. Who, Lord Of The Rings and other millennial interests that I haven't seen many other authors infuse in their characters so inclusively. Meryn (series key heroine) is the girl I could run into creating mayhem and chaos because she's that good. Intelligent, stray, loyal, with a strategic vindictive listen, Meryn is the daughter you actually don't want to piss off. That includes harming those she considers 'hers' because no 1 hurts anyone she considers family without consequences.

On to this book/story. Kari is another strong female person atomic number 82 character in the series. She is a vampire so the whole concept of mating is nothing new. Her mate, Declan, is a king of beasts shape shifter. Finding his mate has ever been something he's desperately wanted just knows it can't be forced and is willing to wait. Their initial run into up is quite the drama just does give the reader a hint of things to come. This includes interacting with characters from previous installments including Meryn.

The actual adult content romance between the ii main characters is less intense and graphic than I'd like simply nonetheless has some heat. My have is that fans of low intensity adult content scenes volition relish these scenes while those fans who are looking for the toe crimper v alert scenes will exist disappointed.

Every bit for the earth building. This mythical pillar metropolis is but that - mythical. It has no ground of reality and therefore cannot be taken as such. Yet, at that place's a magical feeling that drew me in wishing in that location COULD exist.

The story line itself is non stop action adventure with a side of urban fantasy/paranormal. There is a suspense/mystery sub plot that volition tease the reader but I really didn't get much in the way of this being more than a side item. In other words, no Sherlock Holmes detective skills required. sigh

The biggest part of the story though is the interaction between characters. Reading an installment in this series is similar going domicile to check on how all my favorites are doing and who the 'new guy' (or daughter as the case may be) is. It can go disruptive with all the comings and goings just isn't that but the manner family unit get togethers are anyway? Enjoy them while you can because you never know....

I didn't want to finish my review without mentioning problem areas I had with this story. The outset is that I did come across several proof/editing issues that threw me off (considering I do detect them). Second is the lack of actual love and affection. Aiden & Meryn. Gavriel & Bethy. Adriel & Eva. My own personal opinion is they acted more similar affectionate brother/sister combos than mates.

I too realize that Meryn is cardinal to the series and rightly and then.. merely.. the author needs to exist more than cognizant that the featured couple in an existing story need to be the stars. I wanted more Kari and more than Declan to take come through to give me the noesis that were important and not but a side evidence for Meryn and her ongoing scheming and plans to conquer the paranormal world.

Bottom line is that I do honey the series and tin't wait for Avery/Merrick, Law/????, Male monarch/???, to find their HEA, just I too need to know how the whole Keelan issue is going to play out. That and Ryuu.

ps.. Does it make me a douche purse if I inquire when or if Dennis volition e'er come back?

...more than
Hannah G
Apr 30, 2017 rated it it was ok
I'm rating this volume 2 stars. I first want to say this is my seventh book in this series I've read. And honestly I experience like this book series has been slowly downgrading/getting worse. The start thing I want to say was the problem with Merlyn the whole book information technology was all about Merlyn......Merlyn.........Merlyn. I'yard so sick of Merlyn's character, not in a I detest her graphic symbol kinda mode but I'm so tired about reading about her. I felt like this book was all nigh Merlyn and that would be okay if this was I'm rating this book two stars. I first want to say this is my 7th book in this serial I've read. And honestly I feel like this book series has been slowly downgrading/getting worse. The starting time thing I want to say was the problem with Merlyn the whole book information technology was all about Merlyn......Merlyn.........Merlyn. I'm then ill of Merlyn'due south character, non in a I hate her grapheme kinda manner but I'thou so tired almost reading about her. I felt similar this volume was all well-nigh Merlyn and that would be okay if this was Merlyn'due south volume. I as well desire accost the other characters from by books. It was dainty only once more information technology was too much. It's a romance book its not supposed to be nearly everyone else simply the couple. I was really annoyed while reading this and I just wanted the book to end. The romance was majorly lacking. Declan and Kira were just very uninteresting. The plot has been continually dragging in this series. And now sadly it'southward only boring. This book had so much penitential. It merely failed to hit the mark. I was missing the humor also. 1 thing I did like about this book was Avery. I don't know if i'll continue this volume series much farther. ...more
Dec 27, 2016 rated information technology it was amazing
The series gets better and ameliorate. I loved Declan'due south and Kari'due south story. It was engaging, hilariously funny (I laughed and then much, I had tears in my eyes) and it's unputdownable.

I can't wait for the next books.

The series gets better and better. I loved Declan's and Kari's story. Information technology was engaging, hilariously funny (I laughed then much, I had tears in my eyes) and it's unputdownable.

I can't expect for the adjacent books.

Sweet and Salty Reviews by DD
I am uncertain what is happening at the moment with me and my new favorite serial....

Since the setting for the series has moved to Noctem Falls I take found the MC and FMC to be a bit banal compared to books ready in Lycaonia. Meryn is present which is the only major plus for books half dozen and vii. On one mitt I can see why Alder has made the shift in writing because no two places tin can be the same, but I miss the characters and style of writing from the Lycaonia setting.

Declan was a strongly written lion s

I am uncertain what is happening at the moment with me and my new favorite series....

Since the setting for the series has moved to Noctem Falls I have establish the MC and FMC to be a bit bland compared to books fix in Lycaonia. Meryn is present which is the but major plus for books six and seven. On one hand I can come across why Alder has made the shift in writing considering no two places tin be the aforementioned, but I miss the characters and fashion of writing from the Lycaonia setting.

Declan was a strongly written lion shifter, nevertheless IMO he wasn't the center of attention in this book. I believe if he had been it would take been a better read for me. Nosotros accept read in the series enough about vampires, bear shifters, and witches....would have like to dig a bit further into the panthera leo shifter aspect. Due to his graphic symbol existence well written not simply due to power and charisma his story would take been more appealing

Kari seemed to be the main point of the novel. There were attempts at making her badass but they were attempts not successes. She reminded me to much of Bethy (whom I honey, so nosotros do not need another Bethy).

I am hoping the series picks dorsum up in book eight. Afraid it will still exist based in Noctum Falls leaving this reader feeling a smidge sad.

Happy Reading! DD

...more than
May ten, 2017 rated it liked it
3.25 stars. I hate to admit information technology, but I didn't love this ane... :( 3.25 stars. I hate to admit it, but I didn't love this 1... :( ...more than
Okay so proverb I beloved the series, but this just felt like filler from start to end. The instalove was not conceivable and I didn't really feel like they continued. That existence said I'm off to read the next one to run across if the author works her magic over again from the remainder of the series. Okay and then saying I honey the series, but this merely felt like filler from start to cease. The instalove was not conceivable and I didn't really experience like they connected. That beingness said I'one thousand off to read the adjacent one to run into if the author works her magic again from the rest of the series. ...more
Patricia Lopes
Feb 02, 2017 rated it actually liked it

I have mixed feelings about this book.
I liked it, but many "somethings" were nonetheless missing!!

There are even more than new people (my caput is about to explode in confusion), OK, new metropolis, unlike people I get it, but still...
I miss the "old" people...

In that location were still no new revelations nearly the bad people, no new insights to who is running the "baddies" testify, simply more questions...

The murder/feral from volume 1 wasn´t caught, so that sense of achievement is still empty in my mind, ok, they di


I have mixed feelings about this volume.
I liked it, but many "somethings" were all the same missing!!

There are even more new people (my caput is about to explode in confusion), OK, new city, different people I get information technology, but withal...
I miss the "one-time" people...

There were however no new revelations virtually the bad people, no new insights to who is running the "baddies" show, simply more than questions...

The murder/feral from book 1 wasn´t defenseless, and so that sense of accomplishment is still empty in my listen, ok, they did defenseless this book feral, simply information technology just brought more questions instead of revelations.

To me, the main characters of this book were improve explored, only Alanea, if yous want to proceed showing Meryn's doin' (and yes i want u to, because plainly fate wants u to tell her story, she is the chosen one) I think is time to introduce several pov'southward instead of only dual, because if you keep pushing the plots around Meryn... I think somewhen it'll burn you, book vi almost did.

I don't know near the epilogue, is book 8 telling both Grant and Etain story's??

January 24, 2017 rated it liked information technology
I really enjoyed this series, however, once they switched up locations and brought in the new characters I felt like it was missing something.

Possibly it was the trips to the drug shop or maybe it was how Meryn began to grate on my fretfulness (which really sucked because she was hysterical in the start books).

I was too a little peeved because I didn't feel equally if in that location was a conclusion with the main running plot and it looks like at that place will be a new series starting next. Wondering if the answers volition

I really enjoyed this series, even so, once they switched upwards locations and brought in the new characters I felt like it was missing something.

Peradventure it was the trips to the drug shop or maybe it was how Meryn began to grate on my nerves (which really sucked because she was hysterical in the offset books).

I was likewise a little peeved because I didn't feel every bit if there was a decision with the principal running plot and it looks like there will exist a new serial starting next. Wondering if the answers volition be given in that serial, as some of the possible new characters have been introduced.

Hoping the loose finish will get cleared upwards considering I really desire to find out the reason for all the drama that has been going on since the first book.

December 29, 2016 rated it it was ok
Something is different

This serial has been a favorite of mine. However, this particular book is off. Get-go of all there is very little graphic symbol development with Kari. I honestly can't tell you what she even looks like, it was never explained. The relationship between her and Declan happens instantaneous. Literally. The story line runs a very mundane and familiar route that doesn't reveal hardly annihilation about the ongoing plot. Add together all of these things with the grammatical errors and the less th

Something is different

This series has been a favorite of mine. Nonetheless, this particular volume is off. Offset of all there is very little character development with Kari. I honestly can't tell you what she fifty-fifty looks like, it was never explained. The relationship between her and Declan happens instantaneous. Literally. The story line runs a very mundane and familiar route that doesn't reveal hardly anything almost the ongoing plot. Add together all of these things with the grammatical errors and the less than realistic cadence of conversations and yous go a hard to read book. Hoping this was just a slump and not a preview for the adjacent books.

Dec 28, 2016 rated it information technology was amazing
I love it all. this volume is a practiced one. I beloved the new characters. I really desire to encounter either Etain or Micah in the next book getting their mates.

Reread on July xviii 2018 and finished in on July 18 2018, Baronial 19 2018 and finished August 24 2018.
December 27 2018 to December 28 2018. Reread June 17 2019 and Finished it June 17 2019. November 25 2019 and finish it on November 26 2019.

Sydney M Neblett
I love a king of beasts shifter

I truly savor how this series is filled with family, both blood and chosen. The back up shown past all of the characters is another of my favorite parts. Through in some Meryn moments, the babe boom and the ever building story line and I am all in. I can't wait to read read the next book.

Dec 28, 2016 rated information technology liked it
Perfect book for a long plane ride... simply I really like the outset book in the series. (I think Alder does too, since she spent so much time with her first characters.)
Judy Lewis
May 26, 2018 rated it it was astonishing
Title: My Champion
Serial: Bewitched & Bewildered
Author: Alanea Alder
Designation: Book Seven of Serial, Full-Length, **Tin Be Read As Standalone, No Bewilderment #paranormalromance #fantasy #shifters #vampires #fae #witches #sprites #adultcontent
My Rating: Five Delightfully Entertaining Stars*****
**Each book of the Bewitched and Bewildered series features a different couple finding dear forth with their very own happy catastrophe and can technically be read as a standalone. Howev
Title: My Champion
Series: Bewitched & Bewildered
Author: Alanea Alder
Designation: Book Vii of Series, Full-Length, **Tin can Be Read As Standalone, No Cliffhanger #paranormalromance #fantasy #shifters #vampires #fae #witches #sprites #adultcontent
My Rating: V Delightfully Entertaining Stars*****
**Each book of the Bugged and Bewildered series features a different couple finding beloved along with their very own happy catastrophe and can technically be read every bit a standalone. Even so, there are recurring characters and an underlying interconnected disharmonize that play a major part in all the books, therefore to avert spoilers, I highly recommend reading the books sequentially.

OMG! I loved, loved, loved My Champion. Alder'south books are like crevice for us paranormal romance junkies! I tin can run into it now: Room in a church basement, a circle of chairs, surrounded by a group of grim faces, and I stand and say, "Hi, my name is Judy and I'm an Alanea Alder paranormal romance aficionado!" lol... All joking bated, Alder's books really are addictive. They're like potato chips; you tin't terminate with merely one! This is the seventh book of the serial and each story gets better and amend! I tin hardly wait to dive into the eighth! lol... I love unique paranormal romance, addicted to danger, action, adventure & suspense, completely smitten with sexy, blastoff heroes, adore sassy, courageous heroines, and there's zippo I enjoy more than a few mind-bending plot twists along with a generous infusion of laugh-out-loud humor, only when I can get it all in one exceptionally well-crafted and beautifully written volume, I'm in absolute heaven! And that's exactly what Alanea Alder delivered - Over again - in My Champion, the seventh full-length paranormal romance in her riveting and highly imaginative Bewitched & Bewildered Series. Did I like this volume? No, I LOVED it! Was it perfect? No, but it was perfect for me. There were a few little boo-boos missed in the editing process, but nothing that distracted me from the story. Would I recommend it? You bet, and I am but only for developed readers since it does contain explicit language, some violence, and steamy, dreamy sexual practice. Will I read this author once more? Admittedly which is probably the all-time recommendation I tin can give! Every bit a affair of fact, after completing the showtime book of this serial, I raced back to Amazon and purchased the remaining nine books and signed upward for her newsletter, which speaks volumes every bit to how much I enjoyed this author's work! And finally, was I entertained? Completely! I was glued to my chair, white-knuckling my ereader, my heart fluttering wildly in my chest as the pages flew as quickly every bit the time!

The serial takes a chip of a turn in Volume half dozen when Unit of measurement Commander Aiden McKenzie and his firecracker mate Meryn leave Lycaonia to visit vampire pillar city Noctem Falls, Naturally, they are accompanied by Meryn'south squire Sei Ryuu and, of course, Felix the sprite along with old Noctem Falls resident Elizabeth Monroe and her mate Gavriel Ambrosios. Aiden, Meryn, Ryuu, Felix, Beth and Gavriel are all recurring characters readers have gotten to know in the previous books of the series and ever add so much to each story. We're introduced to an entire new cast of intriguing characters only the principal couple in this story is unit warrior panthera leo-shifter Declan Lionhart, aka call sign Simba (yeah, that'south a nod to ane of Meryn's and my favorite movies, The Lion King), and vampire Kari Delaney, personal assistant trainer, corporate organizer extraordinaire, and very successful business owner. I vicious in love with the handsome, happy-go-lucky Declan, though he's likewise a bit of a mystery. Only in one case again, wait until you find out his family connections! Shhh... No spoilers from me. And the lovely Kari is the epitome of grace, efficiency, keen intelligence, and heartwarming devotion to those she loves, like her adopted brother, sugariness trick shifter Avery Therian. Kari and Declan were perfect for each other! Kari was simply the adult female to tame Noctem Falls' very own Don Juan and she didn't even have to use a whip! Sigh... And so dreamy! And naturally, Meryn, her minions Jaxson and Noah, along with her two newly adopted twin 'baby Keelans' provide loads of laughter and shenanigans galore! And once once more, this story ripped my center out of my chest! I snickered, snorted, sniffled, snuffled, chuckled, and outright ugly cried through the entire story! Simply but a little warning, folks, don't start this book unless you have plenty of fourth dimension; you will not want to stop until you lot reach the last page. I should know; I've spent the last week binge-reading the entire series! lol... Alanea Alder, you lot're killing me! If you bask perilous danger, intense drama, agonizing angst, pulse-pounding activeness, nail-biting suspense, side-splitting humour, heartwarming romance, and a few listen-blowing plot twists that you'll never run into coming, then this book is screaming your proper name. Extraordinary globe building, exceptional character introduction/development, along with highly intelligent, skilled plot progression make this series a fabulous, can't-put-down read! Thank you for the recommendation Fran Zoch!

Dec 30, 2016 rated it really liked it
I Dearest MERYN!

"Now [that I] have minions and mercenaries, I tin accept over the world."

Rating - iv ✰

Ane Word Rec.: Buy

Alder, Alanea; MY CHAMPION [Bewitched & Bewildered, #7]

Ebook; genre: {paranormal romance} ; shelves: |rating: 4* - Great Volume, will re-read more than once or twice = when released in theater|
|writer: Alanea Alder |
|paranormal, shifters: bear, canine, feline, other|
|paranormal, magic: witches |
|paranormal, vampires|
|paranormal, fae |
|humorous read|
|fan/geek references|

Personally, I d

I Dearest MERYN!

"Now [that I] take minions and mercenaries, I tin have over the world."

Rating - 4 ✰

One Give-and-take Rec.: Buy

Alder, Alanea; MY CHAMPION [Bewitched & Bewildered, #7]

Ebook; genre: {paranormal romance} ; shelves: |rating: iv* - Great Book, will re-read more than one time or twice = when released in theater|
|author: Alanea Alder |
|paranormal, shifters: bear, canine, feline, other|
|paranormal, magic: witches |
|paranormal, vampires|
|paranormal, fae |
|humorous read|
|fan/geek references|

Personally, I don't enjoy giving "SPOILERS" equally a rule, so I believe the general synopsis in a higher place or on the book flap if it'south a difficult copy should give you all the data you need. I do include the basics under synopsis though. If you'd like to know my overall thoughts & feelings about the book or author, delight check the "Personal Stance" section. Also, if this is a book in a series, nether "Characters," you'll about likely find a fu-bo list. While reading, authors tend to introduce usa to numerous characters and I notice I wonder if they will go their own book, so I decided to include this in my review. I will endeavor not to include "SPOILERS" if in that location are any. And now to my review:

I know this volume has for some reason received less than stellar reviews, then I inquire anyone who might be interested to check out my PO department, where I address some of the concerns I saw in other reviews.

General Synopsis:
This is the seventh book in Alanea Alder's [Bewitched and Bewildered] serial, focusing on the romance between Kari Delaney, a vampire and Declan Lionheart, a lion shifter. We also have some unexpected matings happening in this book, then that is something to look frontwards to. Too my fangirl meter skyrocketed through the roof while reading this book . . . so many new fu-bos, plus LAW and I am totally worshiping at the alter of Alanea Alder Once again. Did I mention nosotros finally get to formally see Police in this book, considering if I didn't, nosotros become to come across Police force! ♡✧( ु•⌄• )


Noctem Falls
Ryuu (I keep hoping he finds a mate)
Grant Douglas, My Defender
Etain Vi'Aerlin, My Angel (NRY)
Micah Sages
Neil & Nigel Morninglory
Dimitri Romanov (Theta)
Godard Kipling (Kappa)
Leif Grassfield
Travis Hickory
Warrick & (view spoiler)[Avery (hide spoiler)], My Champion
Stefan Bolivar
Cristo Bolivar (member of the Vanguard series)
Law Ashleigh
Rex Lionheart
Emeric Foret
Gidan Campbell
Idris Li'MierlenPrevious books
Aidan & Meryn, My Commander
Gavriel & Beth, My Protector
Colton & Rheia, My Healer
Darian & Amelia, My Savior
Kendrick & Anne, My Brother'southward Keeper
Adriel & Eva Mae, My GuardianBack in Lycoania . . . and still waiting for a possible volume in the future
Lennox (yes, I know he'due south only "just an adult" in paranormal years, just …)
Jaxon (same every bit to a higher place)

Personal Opinion:
So, I know a lot of people have had issues with Avery Therian, Kari's adopted blood brother, mentioning he is very kittenish, etc. In paranormal years, he is a child even so. He has not reached his 100th year, which is kind of like eighteen-21 years of age for us humans. Besides, Kari herself admits "Because Avery is special. He has a genius level IQ, but the naiveté of a kid. I have had to protect him ever since I found him ten years ago." To be honest and I am non certain if this is a spoiler, but I believe Avery is a fennec pull a fast one on and reminds me of Ashby from Fated for Forever Kindred of Arkadia 3 .

In that location is likewise some growth to the series in my opinion, and I am not just talking about my every growing fu-bo list and wherein Ms. Alder might come to hate me as yes, I will go on hoping someday they will ALL have their very ain HEA. In this book I felt nosotros are beginning to see a little more of the political unrest in Noctem Falls, also as bodily growth of the diverse different pillar cities. I run across lots of threads which are existence woven in and make me want to continue to read the serial so I might see where they volition go. Both Storm Go on and Eiru Danu are mentioned in this book once more, which encourages me, as a reader, to hope Meryn & co. will be going there in the future to try and help out the paranormal world found within this series.

At that place ARE a few grammatical errors, merely this has been true in a majority of the books in this series, just I'd similar to point out two things. #ane) They are not serious errors and if anything, they mainly remind me of that paper that gets passed around, you know the one I am talking about, the ane that shows you your brain replaces words or misspelt words as you're reading. & #2) I am non 100% certain, but I believe this series is self published, then aye, perhaps we should ask the beta readers to take a lilliputian more than time reading the book so those petty errors can be found, just at the same time (and I am completely jealous of them, because HEY, they get to read this amazing series before you or I), sometimes a reader who is enjoying the series, just wants to read the book, to immerse themselves back into this amazing earth, so a few grammatical errors might not been seen.

Now for totally ME!, because allow'south exist honest, it'due south about my thoughts . . . sometimes. And before you worry that all I am going to do is gush on Law, and I totally AM when I talk most it to people, considering I have been waiting for Thane, Justice, & Law Ashleigh since we heard about them dorsum in My Savior! And then yes, we meet Police force in this book and he is totally a BA! (view spoiler)[We also detect out he has a past with Meryn before she knew almost paranormals! (hibernate spoiler)]

So, you are probably getting bored and your eyes are getting glazed over reading this long, long review, but I only need to add together iii quotes and a little information equally to why they made this review.

"The world is a darker place. How could this happen! It's a conspiracy! Evil has taken root in the earth!" Meryn ranted. I cannot assistance it, this happens when Meryn finds out Netflix no longer has "Doctor Who." I completely understand, as this was my response to when Netflix and Hulu stopped streaming information technology. & when I found out yous can sentry it on Amazon Prime, I was upset because my Apple Television set does not accept that option. And so Meryn, I feel your pain.

"Toss it. I only wrote that information technology was urgent considering the person making the complaint was watching. Anything on a light-green Post-it note tin go in the garbage, the truly important notes are always on cream newspaper." - Magnus to Kari, who is training him every bit his new PA.

& lastly, Meryn shrugged. "Information technology can't perchance be a bad idea if my future cocky hasn't traveled dorsum in time to finish me." Eva's mouth twitched. "Is that the basis for your decision making?" - I have decided I might prefer this philosophy in the future. I hope that is ok with with Ms. Alder.

Romance Between The Sheets
MY CHAMPION is the seventh book in the Bewitched and Bewildered series and was another enjoyable read. The story continues on from MY GUARDIAN and follows the mating of Declan (lion shifter) and Kari (vampire), and we're still in Noctem Falls. With twenty books planned for this series, I assume that each of the four colonnade cities will get five books apiece, and that only the highest ranking Unit Warriors for each city will have stories written virtually them.

I'll be honest, I don't retrieve much abo

MY CHAMPION is the seventh book in the Bewitched and Bewildered series and was another enjoyable read. The story continues on from MY GUARDIAN and follows the mating of Declan (lion shifter) and Kari (vampire), and we're still in Noctem Falls. With twenty books planned for this series, I assume that each of the four pillar cities will get five books apiece, and that only the highest ranking Unit Warriors for each city will have stories written near them.

I'll be honest, I don't retrieve much about Declan at all. Kari was a bit more memorable with her have-accuse-and-become-things-done personality, but I can't say much else about her either. Why? Because unlike the offset v books in this series, the couple and their human relationship hasn't been the main focus of the story for books six and vii. Instead, the focus has shifted to Meryn and trying to figure out what's going on in the paranormal world. While I'm very interested in the conspiracies that have been going on for centuries, I'thou disappointed that it's at the expense of the romance side of things.

On top of the lack of romance, there are a few other minor issues. I agree with what others have said about Meryn becoming more childish as the series progresses. I'm hoping we'll see the old Meryn again in future books, especially when she seems to be connected to everything that's going on. Quite a few conversations felt disjointed and hard to follow, with topics changing at random before turning back around to a previous topic. Finally, with so many new characters being introduced, they're all starting to mistiness together. I constitute myself having to stop quite a few times and saying to myself "Who is this person again?".

If you're still reading this review, you might exist wondering why I've given MY CHAMPION five❤ when it sounds like I didn't enjoy the book. Well, it'southward considering despite what I've said in a higher place, I did savour it. There were scenes that had me laughing out loud and the story arc has me chomping at the chip for the side by side book.

MY CHAMPION is told in dual POVs, with the epilogue being told in Grant's POV as he'll get the next book. While each book is about a different couple, the books in this series cannot exist read every bit a stand-lone and must be read in order.

For more reviews, delight visit our website:

Raksha R
Aug 01, 2020 rated it really liked information technology
This series continues to make me smile gosh I dearest it!!!

Declan is literally the Noctem Falls version of Colton so of form I loved him!! And Kari?! That girl could run her own state she is brilliant!!! As well she is BADASS!!!!

As for my master girl Meryn. Of course she didn't disappoint in this book either. The moment betwixt her, Nigel, Neil, Noah and Jaxson made my centre Cook OMG!!!!!! That quirky daughter continues to inspire me.

I almost forgot to mention Avery and Warrick....they were So FUCKING C

This series continues to make me smiling gosh I love it!!!

Declan is literally the Noctem Falls version of Colton so of course I loved him!! And Kari?! That girl could run her own land she is brilliant!!! Too she is BADASS!!!!

Equally for my master girl Meryn. Of form she didn't disappoint in this book either. The moment between her, Nigel, Neil, Noah and Jaxson made my heart MELT OMG!!!!!! That quirky girl continues to inspire me.

I almost forgot to mention Avery and Warrick....they were And so FUCKING Beautiful GAHHHH!!!!!

When Kari Delaney -vampire & her adopted blood brother Avery -shifter are forced by their friend Law to relocate for safety reasons to Noctem Falls they both believe that will exist for some months... Declan - lion shifter is stabbed and his claret is everywhere.... Till the medical arrives help him, Kari finds that he is her mate...
Not so strong story just i really like the serial! And then proceed reading the adjacent one!
Lee-anna Dunk
Mar 02, 2019 rated it it was astonishing

This series merely gets ameliorate and better with each book i read.

I can't wait to read the side by side book in this series.


This serial just gets meliorate and better with each book i read.

I tin can't await to read the next book in this series.

Dec xiv, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I love this series. I swear Meryn is my FAVORITE female character ever. No. Joke. That RESPECT part was by far hilarious along with the butt part. Oh my gosh I died laughing. I can proceed reading this series forever I recollect as long as Meryn is in it!
Feb 09, 2017 rated it really liked information technology
All the same another swell read in this serial. Nosotros are notwithstanding in Noctem Falls in this one and Declan and Kari this fourth dimension are the ones to exist mated.

Kari is stiff, organized, and a take charge kind of woman, something that all the female leads in this series seem to have in common which I dearest. She is protective and so very loyal to those around her.

Declan is the one that can put everyone at ease and everyone also seems to love him. The friendly warrior I will call him.

Together these two meet in virtually an

However another great read in this serial. Nosotros are all the same in Noctem Falls in this i and Declan and Kari this time are the ones to be mated.

Kari is strong, organized, and a accept charge kind of woman, something that all the female leads in this series seem to have in common which I honey. She is protective and so very loyal to those around her.

Declan is the i that can put everyone at ease and everyone likewise seems to love him. The friendly warrior I will phone call him.

Together these two meet in well-nigh an anarchistic nonetheless comical way. As we get more into this series we continue to acquire more about Noctem Falls. This book also has some very calorie-free hearted moments that will have you smiling for days as the Vampire city starts to loosen up a bit. Of course we have some of the original characters Aiden, Beth, Gavriel and Meryn who are quite prominent in this book besides.

Meryn does requite u.s. those antics of hers that we are merely tin't practise without at the most inappropriate moments of course which makes you outburst out laughing.

I volition say though that I do really miss some of the original gang from Lycaonia and wish I could see more of them.

Kodie Mackay
December 29, 2016 rated it it was amazing
I really could get on forever nigh this whole series and how brilliant a writer Alanea Alder is.

If yous've read this series you'll know when I say this is every bit brilliant every bit the rest, how practiced it is. If you oasis't... shame on yous.
If y'all don't like this series.. I take nix polite to say virtually that.

As per usual with this series, although this is technically nigh the mated couple ... you lot kind of get anybody else from previous and futurity books equally as much in here. I beloved that. Im never bor

I actually could go on forever nearly this whole series and how brilliant a author Alanea Alder is.

If you've read this serial you'll know when I say this is as brilliant every bit the rest, how good information technology is. If yous haven't... shame on you.
If y'all don't similar this series.. I accept nothing polite to say about that.

As per usual with this series, although this is technically almost the mated couple ... yous kind of get everyone else from previous and future books equally as much in here. I beloved that. Im never bored reading these stories. There total of unique dynamic characters who all add something groovy to the story. The storyline is seemless with some hilarious humour, a trivial sadness, a lot of love, some downright naughty time, and a niggling walk down memory lane. Oh and a few new surprises too!.

Kari and Declan are the new mates in this story and exercise not disappoint. Their chemistry is great. Their first coming together was definitely a dissimilar take on finding your mate... with a massive dose of inappropriate sense of humour that had me sniggering from the get-go.

I'k not going in to detail just read the book honestly information technology's fucking vivid and I lost count of the amount of times I cried laughing.

I desire Avery to have his book!!!
I desire more than of Meryn!!!
I too want more than of King and law!!! ...

Who am I kidding.. I want them all. Any chance you'd exist willing to bring out a book a week? I need more, I'm having withdrawals already :(!!

P.southward I tried to keep my gushing to a minimum then be thankful it's but this long lol.


...more than
Roxanne Davies
This book is KickAss

I wish at that place were unlimited stars to rate this book because it was seriously crawly.
I think My Champion is the almost funniest book in the serial nevertheless. There accept been times when I take laughed uncontrollably and shed the odd tear.
As usual Meryn is still on a journey for world domination so to speak and there is a quote which Magnus says that are my thoughts exactly which is "Every time I retrieve that you have finished surprising me, you turn around and impress me further," Magn

This book is KickAss

I wish at that place were unlimited stars to rate this book because it was seriously awesome.
I retrieve My Champion is the about funniest volume in the serial yet. There accept been times when I have laughed uncontrollably and shed the odd tear.
As usual Meryn is still on a journey for globe domination then to speak and there is a quote which Magnus says that are my thoughts exactly which is "Every time I think that yous have finished surprising me, you turn around and impress me further," Magnus said.
I absolutely honey Declan and how he always seems to put his pes in it when he talks almost things. He is a fierce lion who who will protect and cherish what'south his no matter the toll. I likewise love how strong a grapheme Kari is and how she'due south not afraid to speak her mind.
I could literally go on for hours about how GREAT this book is and the serial is but I'd cease up writing a novel lol
On a last notation ..... "All hail the coffee drinking, foul mouthed menace goddess" haha


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"Aiden turned to his tiny mate. "Meryn, baby, delight don't kill me in my sleep." — 8 likes
"Kari laughed when she heard Meryn. "At present I that take minions and mercenaries, I tin have over the world."
Aiden looked down at his mate, a terrified wait on his face."
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